Monday, April 28, 2008

$7.50 Parking?!?

This last Saturday Ryan was out of town and I was in "working mode". "Working mode" does not happen too often. It is the times in my life when I am ready and willing to check off most, if not all, of my to-do list. Anyway, I woke up and got going immediately. I cleaned our apartment from top to bottom. It was awesome. Josh "helped" and watched movies. I got a lot accomplished that morning and during Josh's nap time.

That afternoon I planned on going to see a puppet show at the Mitchie Theater with my friend Jamie and her son Tyler. Joshua woke up in a foul mood. I was optimistically thinking that this would change during the car ride to the theater. Wrong.

It was cute...Beatrix Potter's short stories (3) including Peter Rabbit. But Josh hated it. He proceeded to be bored, knock down the tall felt flowers on the piano (decorations), grab one and swung it around and hit all of the people we sat behind. He ran around the empty spaces and when I tried to grab him, he threw a fit. I know I should've taken him out, but I payed $10 for the show and it was a mere 45 minutes (if that!) He wasn't very disruptive to the others (after we moved to the back), but just extremely sensitive when I tried to show him any discipline at all. That's why I let him play. It seemed less disruptive and I wanted to get my money's worth.

Anyway, we were there for an hour. When I went to pay for parking in the garage, the lady said, "$7.50" There was a sign that read, "No credit cards. Checks and cash only" I had $2.00 cash and no checks. So, she asked for my license. I was so stunned by the cost of parking---in Charlottesville that's pretty outragious. I asked, "So, it costs $7.50 an hour to park here?" She looked at my funny and said, "No, you've been here for 5 hours!!!" I said "No, I've been here for 1 hour. Check my ticket again." She laughed and said she misread my ticket. I did not think it was funny in the least. I wonder if she mistyped it in on purpose and was going to pocket the rest. All I can say is that it's a good thing I questioned.

On top of everything else...Josh has a big ol' rash. It's all over the trunk of his body and changes shapes and places whenever I look at it. It's pretty disgusting. They look like red welts. He is not scratching them, so I assume they're not itchy. He got them on Thursday night. I went to the Pediatrician today and since we haven't changed his diet, or he isn't on any medications...the doctor believes it was caused by a viral infection. It may last up to another week. At least we know (or I hope we know) what it is.


Becky R. said...

That's funny about the parking-its a very good thing you questioned it. :) The rash doesn't sound fun at all. I had something like that on my legs one time, and no doctor could tell me what it was-just that is was an allergic reation. Pretty weird though!

Emily said...

Sounds like fun! It is so discouraging when they wake up in a rotten mood when you have "fun" planned. Sorry about his rash. Austin had one once and he looked like a leper. It turned out to be an alergic reaction to an antibiotic. Even though he wasn't contagious, I didn't take him to church or anywhere because he looked SO hideous. Better luck this week!

Kimberly Porter said...

It was a viral infection, apparently. But fortunately it was mostly gone this morning. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Some days are like that. I've had plenty in my day. I'm glad Josh looks better this morning. I'm still so excited about this mornings news. Keep faith in the Lord and everything seems to work out. Love you, Mom

Syme Family News said...

I know that this has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted to know if you know what you are having yet? I thought Tuesday was the day. Love

Micah-n-Holly said...

That story was too funny! Although I imagine none of it was funny at the time! I can't believe that the parking attendant was going to charge you $7.50!
So, are you guys going to be decorating your baby room in Pink or Blue?