Friday, June 27, 2008

Baby Update

As most of you know, I am a high-risk pregnancy case. Because we lost our sweet baby Matthew at 26 weeks gestation (January 12, 2004), we are fortunate to be watched over quite carefully now. Joshua was a miracle baby born at 4 1/2 pounds, 3 weeks early, with an induction (March 4, 2006). He was Growth Restricted and I was on Lovenox his entire pregnancy. He is now a healthy boy and such a blessing to us. We are thankful for him everyday.

This next pregnancy is stressful. I was indeed doing quite fine until I hit 26 weeks, for obvious reasons. I think because I was on Lovenox for Joshua's pregnancy, I felt a little more safe. But now I'm vulnerable again. No medications this time around. It's a little frightening.

But I am being watched over by MANY doctors. 28 weeks means high-risk begins. I have 2 NST's a week. NST's (non-stress tests) moniter the baby's heart rate. They take a 30-minute interval of the heart rate to make sure that it varies. Yesterday when I had it done, it would vary between 120 and 160, but mainly stay between 130 and 140. Everything looks good. The baby seems happy or "non-stressed". I pray it will continue to go this way every NST.

I am also seeing a Hematologist. This Arizona doctor tends to think that I have Protein S Deficiency--Type II. But I also have a low platelet count, so if they put me back on Lovenox, my platelet count would drop and be at a dangerous level. It's a balancing act because Protein S is a blood clotting disorder and low platelets cause bleeding. Regardless, I have my platelets counted each month. Right now it's in a safe zone. And again, we're praying for good balance here.

I have sonogram's each week as well. This is the happiest part of everything I've learned so far. Right now he's in the 58% in all his measurements. At 20 weeks, he was as well. This is so terrific. That means he is not deficient in any of his nutrients so far. The placenta is strong. This is the most important part of the pregnancy. Josh's placenta obviously started to lose strength around 32 weeks. If all continues to go well, this little man will hopefully be bigger than 5 pounds. That's my goal. The bigger the better. I would love to have an 8-pounder!

I saw an Opthamologist this week, too. I have been having eye problems again, "blinking/flashing lines" that last for about 10 minutes at a time. I had them during Matthew's pregnancy, but not Josh's. It worried me, so I saw the doctor. She assured me that because of changing hormones and possibly climate changes, I have a lot of pressure on my eyes. It causes the flashing lights and floaters. But she checked my eyes and everything looks fine. I may continue to have them during pregnancies, but I don't need to go in unless they get worse. And they haven't...thank goodness. I do have to see her again in 6 weeks and then again in 4 months for a field test (whatever that is).

I also go to clinic once a week. They answer my questions, measure the uterus, and we talk about how all our tests are going to see if we need to make any changes to the plan. It's pretty involved. But I'm grateful...oh so grateful. Doctors are wonderful and I'm amazed to be married to one that helps brings healthy babies into this world!

I am also so thankful to be married to an honorable Priesthood holder. He has given me 2 wondeful blessings for this baby so far. I am promised that he will be delivered at full-term. I, in return, need to have more faith in the Lord and trust Him. This is something that I am working on daily. I was in a lot of pain the other night (contractions, I think) and Ryan gave me a blessing of comfort. They went away and have not come back since. I kept thinking about the blessing Ryan gave me during the 1st trimester that this baby would be delivered at full-term, so I wasn't (too) worried about pre-mature labor. Faith, faith, faith. It's harder said than done.

If possible, please keep us and this baby in your prayers. Most of the time, I do great. Occasionally, I crumble in fear. I need all the extra support and prayers I can get. Thank you for all the love and support that you have already shown me and my little family.


Anonymous said...

I hope you know that you and this sweet little baby are always in our prayers. Mom

Emily said...

Oh Kim...I feel your pain. I think people think that once the babies are here and healthy that all the stress and worry was for nothing. But, that isn't true! In no way am I insinuating that I know what you went through with Matthew, but for me, the first weeks are extremely difficult (as we get through the risk of miscarriage), but the last weeks are also extremely difficult. Sometimes I can't bear the thought that we have come this far and it might possibly be taken away. I feel for you and I understand that balance between faith and day-to-day worries. We will definitely keep you and your sweet baby in our prayers.

It sounds like you are being well taken care of. All the talk of platelet counts and placenta growth...It sounds like they are really on top of things. Good luck! I hate that saying because I don't believe in luck. It should be "Good Blessings" or "Good Faith." I don't know!!! Every day is one day closer to this sweet boy joining your amazing family.

Any names yet? By the way, I think you look amazing!

Kako said...

I'm so glad the tests are coming back so well. Is your OB at the hospital that Ryan works at? That would be convenient. My suggestion is not to ask in prayer for greater faith. Sometimes that can go wrong. I always ask for greater faith without being compelled. It's all in the wording. See you tomorrow.

Micah-n-Holly said...

We will DEFINITELY keep you guys in our prayers and your newest little addition. So glad to hear that things are looking good so far! Keep praying, and asking for priesthood blessings! I love priesthood blessings, because I can feel the presence of Heavenly Father so strongly during them! You are amazing! Thanks for the updates!

Becky R. said...

I'm glad to hear everything is going well right now. Keep us all posted.

Jen said...

You're in our prayers, Kim, and the babe! Take it easy and keep up the good work! I'm grateful for good doctors, too!

melissa said...

You are amazing. I know you are such a strong person and I really admire you. It sounds like you are spending a lot of time at the dr's office! Who watches Josh? Arizona looks pretty fun!

The Budge Family said...

Hello friends! It's so great to catch up and see that you're all doing well! Know that you are being watched over and protected...those that know and love you are praying for the safe arrival of this sweet little one. We love you!