Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joy School Field Trip - Park

As I've mentioned before, Josh is participating in Joy School this year (a co-op program for preschoolers, where the mother's trade off teaching). Josh loves it! This Joy School day was a field trip to the park. The theme was nature so the kids had a lesson, played with their friends, and then we had a potluck lunch. The kids made the mom's sandwiches and served us! It was really cute and a nice change.

Here Josh is with his best friend Laura & sweet Nathan
Joshy and Vera sliding
Close up of Joshy, Laura, and Ellena
Cuties playing in the sand

Eating the lunch they made for themselves!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

hey, i recognize that park!!! has it really been a year and a half? joy school looks joyous as usual!