Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday Nathan Dear!

Our "Big Guy" is now 2 years old. He is such a sweetheart. He gets the best cuddler ever award and the sweetest voice award. He is an incredible talker (4-5 word sentences) and knows most of his ABC's. He can also count to 20. He loves loves loves to sing. We hear the Alphabet song about a hundred times a day. He loves Elmo/Elmo's World and making messes and then "cleaning up". He is a great eater and loves crackers, toast, chocolate milk, and cookies the best. He is very shy and won't give a stranger a smile for a million dollars (but possibly candy). He likes playing peek-a-boo & hide-and-go-seek with Joshy. He is starting to make friends. His first friend is Ashley Gamett and he asks to go to her house to play almost every day. He is my darling and I don't know what I'd do without my love bug. Happy Birthday Big Guy.
For his Birthday he got an Elmo doll/Elmo sticker book/Elmo movies (2) from Grandma and Grandpa Nance. He got $$ (which we used to buy the toolset) from Grandma and Grandpa Porter. Thanks for the great birthday gifts!

1 comment:

Nan and Aaron said...

my boys loved watching this video!!