Friday, September 10, 2010

Plain Old Update

I've been pretty busy lately. It seems like there are a million things on my mind everyday and I have a million things to do. It's crazy and I'm glad I have a dayplanner to write things down or else my mind would explode. But all is well. I am still the Relief Society Secretary in my ward and it seems like I'm always working on something for that. I am still running and lifting weights. I haven't lost any weight because I like to eat, but I always feel so much better after I workout. I am training for Bisbee 1000 in October which I did last year. It is a 5K plus 1000 steps which ends up being a 10K. I'm looking forward to it.

Joshy started Joy School this past month that goes throughout the year. He likes it a lot. It is Tuesday/Thursday for 2 1/2 hours each time. He gets to play with friends, sing songs, do crafts, and learn about different subjects. This month is on bodies and he is enjoying that. He came home telling me all about his "hinges". He is the oldest of the group and the only boy. But that doesn't seem to bother him in the least. And all the girls want to dance with him. I am very proud to say that he is now reading. I can open just about any picture book and he can read the page with maybe 2-3 words he needs help with. He has an incredible memory and when I tell him what something says once, it sticks in his head forever. I imagine that is how Ryan's brain works as well. He loves trains right now and can play in him room alone for hours at a time (when Nathan is asleep and not bothering him). He loves Nathan and he is always the first thing he mentions in his prayers that he is thankful for. He also very much enjoys his Sunbeam teachers (Brother and Sister Barrett) who do so much for their little class. His all time favorite thing to do is swim. He is without floaties now and is getting better. He made huge improvements over the summer and we are proud of him. He also loves going to the Children's Museum and basically any errand that gets him out of the house. Although he is vey content wherever he is. He is very smart and asks all sorts of questions; right now he is interested in places and maps. He wants to know where everyone who moves lives & where beaches are located and where his cousins and grandparents live. I just adore Josh. But he is loud and has a lot of energy. He tends to wear me down.

I posted about Nathan on his birthday post below.

Ryan is busy as before. Because one of the 2nd years moved programs, he didn't get the break his 3rd year promised him because now he has to do home call. Plus his year has to do the ONC rotation (100 hours +) all 4 years which is a rotation that lasts 3 months at a time. They made that decision a few months ago. Awful. He was heartbroken and wanted to switch programs but in the long run it would've cost too much money and would have added a year. So we are suffering through it and trying to have a good attitude. On his time home, he spends it playing with the boys, reading books, playing games, and baking. He is such a good man and I continue to feel blessed to have found and married him.

So, that's that. A little glimse into our life right now. Overall, life continues to be good to us. We love our new van. :)


Julie said...

Wow Kim! The boys are growing up. You are such a great mom. I can tell by their accomplishments and all the fun things you do with them. They are lucky boys to have you.

Jen said...

You were smart not to switch programs. Would have been challenging in many ways. You guys will get through the horrible rotation. You're tough :) It seems like every residency at some point throws loops like that at its unsuspecting, exhausted residents. And you've got some sweet little boys! I admire you for being such a positive, happy, dedicated mother.

Anonymous said...

I feel you with the horrible work schedule and never seeing your hubby :( You can join Lindsey, Carlie, and I's Lonely Wives Club dinner if you want :)