Friday, October 15, 2010

Porter Cousins Family BBQ

Porter Family BBQ: September 2010

Dallin (look at that high jump!), Joshy, we'll say Courtney (she's a twin), Claire, and Charity
Shelly, LeeAnn, Ashley and her hubby Kyle
LeeAnn and her beautiful daughter Casey taking pictures of the Herriman fire
Claire, Nathan, Dallin, and Courtney
Courtney (or maybe I should say Jaden just in case), Joshy, Charity, Dallin, and Claire
Kim (not me, my sister-in-law) had a brilliant idea to make Cafe' Rio style burritos made with a steak salad recipe I gave her a while back. It was one of the best dinners I think I've ever eaten. Topped with a caramel brownie that my mother-in-law made. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
It was really fun. Everyone was there, including husbands, except for Melissa who had to work. The kids had a blast being cousins and we had fun talking, exchangin stories and laughing. We miss Utah and can't wait to be there permanently again to get to know each other even better. It was a very pleasant evening.

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